Department of Homeland Security (DHS) List of Indicators

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) List of Indicators

Select the flash cards to review each list of indicators.

Labor or Service Indicators

Labor or Service Indicators

  • Was the person recruited for one purpose and forced to engage in some other job?
  • Is the person’s salary being garnished to pay off alleged debts?
  • Was the person compelled to perform sexual acts using force, fraud, or coercion?
  • Is the person a juvenile engaged in commercial sex?
  • Does the person work excessively long and/or unusual hours?
  • Is the person inadequately dressed for the situation or work they do?

Control Indicators

Control Indicators

  • Is the person in possession of their identification and/or travel documents; if not, who has control of the documents?
  • Does the person appear to be coached on what to say? Are they with someone who appears to be controlling the situation?
  • Has the person or their family been threatened with harm?
  • Is the person fearful, timid or submissive?
  • Has the person been threatened with deportation or law enforcement action?
  • Is the person confused, afraid, or do they show signs of mental or physical abuse?
  • Can the person freely contact friends or family?
  • Is the person allowed to freely socialize or attend religious services?

Living Conditions Indicators

Living Conditions Indicators

  • Does the person lack personal possessions and appear to have an unstable living situation?
  • Does the person have freedom of movement? Can the person freely leave where they live? Are there unreasonable security measures?
  • Has the person been deprived of food, water, sleep, medical care, or other life necessities?

Travel Indicators

Travel Indicators

  • Does the person know their final destination? Or how they will get there?
  • Does the person know who is meeting them at their final destination?
  • Is a child traveling with someone who does not seem to be their real parent or guardian?

Medical Indicators

Medical Indicators

  • Does the person have scars, burns, mutilations, or infections?
  • Is the person being prevented from or limited in providing their medical history?