Chain of Command and DoD Hotline

Chain of Command and DoD Hotline


It is critical to report human trafficking when you suspect or confirm it. By reporting suspected human trafficking, you are doing your part to help stop a crime, intervene when there are non-compliances in contracts, and rescue and recover victims.

Reporting procedures for alleged TIP violations:

  • Report anything suspicious that you see to your chain of command
  • You can report incidents to your local DoD IG office, through the DoD IG Hotline at 1-800-424-9098, or visit their website at
  • Report and avoid any establishments or persons that you believe may be involved in TIP
  • Never act ALONE, you may want to help, but trafficking situations are dangerous

No tip is insignificant. If a situation gives you pause, trust your instincts. The presence or absence of any of the indicators (See Signs and Indicators in Platform 2 of this Toolkit) is not necessarily proof of human trafficking. It is up to law enforcement to investigate suspected cases and make the determination. Factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, and/or religious affiliation are not indicators of suspicious behavior.

If a report of credible information comes through the chain of command, it is your responsibility to evaluate the information and advise the Commander on the proper course of action, including to order an investigation, to determine the scope of the violation, provide legal advice on human trafficking violations when human trafficking is suspected or confirmed, and/or advise on taking action on non- compliance issues such as Corrective Action Reports and other remedies for preventing trafficking in government contracting.

  • Immediate Notification of IG. The law requires immediate notification of the Inspector General upon receipt of any credible information of trafficking in persons (NDAA 2013, Title XVII, “Ending Trafficking in Government Contracting)
  • Notification of Suspension and Debarment Officials. A new related law passed in 2022, entitled, “End Human Trafficking in Government Contracts Act of 2022” amended the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (2013 NDAA) to require U.S. government agency heads to refer any suspected instances of human trafficking to the agency’s suspension and debarment official (SDO) for consideration and disposition.

In addition to the methods list in the law for receiving credible information other methods can include, but are not limited to:

  1. Chain of command
  2. Local authorities
  3. Department of Defense Inspector General (IG) Hotline on Fraud, Waste & Abuse
  4. National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline
  5. Staff Judge Advocate/Judge Advocate General (JAG) lawyer
  6. Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO)
  7. Victim/Witness Assistance Program Manager
  8. Outside observer – civilian or military
  9. Other Department of Defense agencies

Report human trafficking and related activities to the following entities: